I´m sitting on an airplane high above Karachi, writing this article while the airplane is flying into an unforgettable sunrise. It seems to be a magic moment; one of these moments that seem to be too unreal to find words for it.
I´m watching the sunbeams that loom on the horizon, covering the airplane in a warm blanket. Even though the flight attendant asks me to close the windows for the sleeping passengers I´m unable to comply her request and can’t stop watching this scenery and feel the warm sun on my face.
These are the times on which I realize how privileged I am to be able to experience those moments. So I could not get around to ask myself if I´m searching for those moments, or if these magical moments find me. I find myself searching for it, without finding.
Do we have to give up searching from time to time to find what we are really looking for? Maybe it´s not about searching, it is about fining, like a portion of luck we are happy to experience. Quite often, I wish I could run around with a helmet camera to share all my experiences with you and to capture them forever on tape.
Some may say it´s only a normal sunset, but not for me! For me it´s a moment of pure joy and magic I´m blessed to experience on that airplane above Pakistan. I ask myself if someone down there is sharing this moment with me without knowing me, sitting high above 10000 km, watching the same scenery. Even the stewards smile to me, while they are watching me, soaking up the sunbeams.
It´s the perfect hostel in Saint Petersburg, a breathtaking metro station in Moscow, the rice terraces of Banaue, covered in fog once a day after the daily rain shower, temples on Bali, carnival in Rio de Janeiro or this moment that I will never forget.
I stop holding on to the search for these moments and start to wait for them, knowing that they will find me sooner or later. Not one place I have seen so far that wouldn´t give me one of those memories, which showed me a new explanation for the word magic.
New magic moment so can be different conversation and all those are most another option.